Electronic Health Records – “Meaningful Use” for that Good of Life
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2019 (ARRA 2019) states that we now have three main components of “meaningful use”. They are-
i. The use of a certified Electronic Health Record in the sensible opportunity for a shrewd purpose.
ii. The utilization of a certified Electronic Health Record technology for that interchange of health information using an electronic medium, thus enhancing the quality of health care
iii. The utilization of a certified Electronic Health Record technology presenting the clinical quality as well as other qualitative measures
In simpler words, “meaningful use” means that medical providers should prove which they use Electronic Health Record technology in numerous ways in which happen to be affecting the high quality and volume of their work significantly.
Whether or otherwise, a provider is employing the EHR technology meaningfully is evaluated on three criteria. They are-
a. Stage 1 (scheduled to become implemented in 2011 …
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