Audio Streaming Technology

Audio Streaming Technology

If you are looking for audio streaming technology, there are many options available. You can choose a platform that uses adaptive streaming, or you can choose to use one that uses a set of codecs to deliver the same audio content to all devices. There are a number of different advantages and disadvantages associated with each platform, so it’s important to know which ones are best for your business.

Adaptive streaming technique for audio

Adaptive streaming technology for audio delivers high-quality audio at various bitrates based on available bandwidth. Its encoders automatically prepare audio segments with varying bitrates and seamlessly join them. The encoders deliver these segments to the server with a manifest file that describes the bitrates that are available. The player then monitors available bandwidth and asks the server to send audio segments encoded at the best available bitrate to the listener.

Adaptive streaming is used by Netflix, …

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Mastercard Drops Name from Its 50-Year-Old Logo

A recent decision by Mastercard has many experts scratching their heads. At the beginning of the year, the company explained in a press release headlined “Mastercard Drops Its Name” that it would be removing its name from its familiar interlocking circles logo. This is just one of two big changes the company has made to its logo in the past two-and-a-half years.

Mastercard Drops Name from Its 50-Year-Old Logo

In July 2016, Mastercard refreshed the colours of its 50-year-old interlocking circles as red and yellow. It also chose to alter the longstanding capital “C” in its name to a lower-case “c”. It would appear that this decision was based on emphasizing that Mastercard Inc. is about much more than just card payments. During that period, the name Mastercard was moved from within the circles and placed just below them.

So, why the dramatic change to simple interlocking circles? The ever-changing nature of payments seems to be the …

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