What Does Unmetered Bandwidth mean? What are its advantages?

In today’s times, most websites endeavor to attract high volumes of traffic. After all, a high number of site visitors would mean a better chance of converting them into customers. However, in many hosting plans, the site owners are allotted a traffic bandwidth beyond which they are charged to allow more traffic to their website. This is where unmetered bandwidth steps in. In this article, we will talk about unmetered bandwidth and its advantages.
What Is Unmetered Bandwidth?
Before understanding unmetered bandwidth, let’s look at the definition of bandwidth.
Bandwidth, in simple terms, is the amount of data that your web server can transfer every second. It is usually measured in Mbps (megabits per second). Depending on the volume of traffic received by your site, the bandwidth required by you can vary. Lesser bandwidth can result in a slow performing website when the traffic increases. This can have a negative …
What Does Unmetered Bandwidth mean? What are its advantages? Read More